VIP Live Chat this Weekend

JustĀ  heads up that this Saturday is the next Major Spoilers VIP Live Chat for our Gold Level Patrons (and higher).

The exclusive live stream takes place at 1:00 PM CDT on Saturday, June 20, 2020. Join Stephen, and others as we discuss what has been going on over the last month behind the scenes at Major Spoilers, and Stephen will share some thoughts on those getting started in the blogging/online journalism arena.

If you are not already a VIP Gold Level Member, you can still sign up before the event at All money goes to making Major Spoilers bigger and better, as well as creating new content just for you.


VIPatreon Live Chat Reminder

Here is a quick reminder that the VIPatreon Live Chat for our $10 and up members will be at 1:00 PM CDT on Saturday October 21, 2017.

We love doing these live chats for you, and it gives you a chance to ask us anything, get information about what is going on at Major Spoilers, and more.

Mark your calendar, and be sure to be on the lookout for the Live Stream YouTube post on Saturday.
