Here is the video link for this month's live stream.
Major Spoilers VIP Live Chat for June is this weekend!
This weekend, Major Spoilers will host the live chat for VIP and Patreon Members at the $10.00 and higher level. The event will take place on Saturday, June 16th, 2018 at 1:00 PM CDT.
Continue reading "Major Spoilers VIP Live Chat for June is this weekend!"
VIP Live Chat for May 2018 – HERE IT IS!
Here is the monthly live chat for our Gold Level VIP and Patreon Members for May 2018.
Continue reading "VIP Live Chat for May 2018 – HERE IT IS!"
VIPatreon Live Chat April 14, 2018 – HERE IT IS!
What's going on behind the scenes at Major Spoilers? What projects are we working on, and what is coming up next? All this, plus your chance to ask us questions happen in our monthly live chat for Gold VIP and Patreon members.
The March VIPatreon Live Chat happens this weekend, Saturday, April 14, 2018, at 1:00 PM CDT.
Take the jump for the live stream (Gold membership required).
Continue reading "VIPatreon Live Chat April 14, 2018 – HERE IT IS!"
VIP Live Stream for February 2018
Here is your chance to ask your questions, get some answers, and learn a bit more about what we are doing behind the scenes.
VIP Live Chat for February 2018
A quick reminder that this weekend will be the next VIPatreon Live Chat for our Gold Members. On Saturday, February 24, 2018 at 1:00 PM CT, we will host our live chat to talk with you about anything and everything that is on your mind.
Make sure you log into the VIP site for the link to the live stream.
See you on Saturday!
Stephen Schleicher
Major Spoilers Entertainment, LLC
VIP Live Chat for January 2018
Thank you for being a Gold VIP Member. Here is this month's live chat.
VIP Live Chat is this weekend
This weekend (January 20, 2018) will be the next VIPatreon Live Chat for our Gold Members. Join us at 1:00 PM Central, to ask us your questions, about everything going on at Major Spoilers.
VIP Live Chat for December 2017
Here is the video for this weekend's VIP Live Chat. I would very much like to hear from you during the show, so please make sure you join in the YouTube chat room by clicking on the video.
It’s VIPatreon Live Chat Time!
A quick reminder that this weekend will be the next VIPatreon Live Chat with our Gold Members. On Saturday, December 16, 2017, at 1:00 PM CT, we will host our live chat to talk with you about anything and everything that is on your mind.
Make sure you log into the VIP site for the link to the live stream.
See you on Saturday!
Stephen Schleicher
Major Spoilers Entertainment, LLC