Barry and Ralph must go undercover as criminals in an illegal black market to purchase a device that could help them stop Cicada. Once inside, Barry and Ralph find their morality tested as they slip deeper into the criminal world, eventually having to choose between committing a crime, or losing the means to defeat one of their greatest foes. Meanwhile, Iris investigates a lead on Cicada's whereabouts and ends up in a dangerous situation.
A Life Outside of Comics (MSP #815 PreShow)
You know about our love of comics, but we have other interests, too.
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Memorabilia – Flashback S06E12
When Sherloque wants to use a memory machine on Barry and Nora to help gain access to Grace's memories, Nora panics, fearing her parents will find out the secrets she's been keeping from them. Nora secretly decides to use the machine on her own which ends in disaster after she gets trapped inside Grace's mind. Barry and Iris go in after their daughter and Iris is brokenhearted by what she finds. Meanwhile, Ralph tricks Cisco into going out for a night out on the town.
I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream In Our Dreams (MSP #814 Preshow)
Dreams can be the worst.
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Critical Hit #489: The Tree of Ages (VS-S06-E43)
In this installment of Critical Hit - A Major Spoilers Podcast: Look to the gods with much to lose from a powerful boss god.
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Seeing Red – Flashback S05E11
During a battle with Cicada, Nora is severely injured; due to Cicada's dampening powers, Nora's speed healing isn't working; Barry and Iris are scared for their daughter's future; an enraged Flash confronts Cicada in a brutal battle.
Nah, I’m Good… MSP #813 PreShow
Legion of Super-Heroes, Video Games, and Middle School is the worst.
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The Flash and the Furious – Flashback (S05E10)
While Nora grapples with the revelation that Thawne killed her grandmother, Team Flash must stop the formidable team-up of a newly sprung from jail Weather Witch and Silver Ghost, a new meta-tech villain who can control engines and motorized technology. Meanwhile, Caitlin and Cisco discuss creating a meta-human cure.
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Individual 1, The Hotderger, and The Spark of Joy
We get slightly political this week, and then quickly veer off into some strange territory.
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VIP Live Chat for January 2019
The next VIPatreon Live Chat is taking place on Saturday, January 12, 2019, at 1:00 PM Central Time!