Creating a secure podcast feed for VIPs

Over the last couple of months I've been testing ways to deliver a secure podcast feed for all of our VIPs so you can easily subscribe to the Flashback Podcast (and more). Unfortunately, there isn't an easy or inexpensive solution.


Major Spoilers uses S2 Member to run all of the transaction and security features of the site. It works really well, and has a lot of features I haven't even tapped into (yet). One feature that S2 Member boasts is the ability to create a secure file feed for any member or membership level. It works with downloadable files, with images, and even with podcasts... if you have the right service.

Since the beginning we have used Libsyn as our podcast hosting/server provider to deal with the half million downloads of our shows we have each month. It's a great service, a great price, and because of our involvement with Libsyn we've been able to secure regular sponsors for our shows.

Do you see where this is headed?


S2 Member works perfectly with Amazon's S3 web services. I know a lot of people who use it to serve up their members video files, but unfortunately, it can become very expensive, very quickly. At this point it makes no sense to move sto hows to Amazon until we reach our next subscriber goal (1200 VIPS). Rough estimates have the cost of storing VIP podcasts at a minimum of $400/month, which doesn't make fiscal sense right now.

Libsyn has a way to privately serve podcasts, which we have been using, but as you know it requires you to download individual files and add them to your mobile device. Libsyn also has a membership feature where we can add and subtract members as we see fit, but in order to unlock that feature of our account, we would have to move up to their next teir, which requires us to have them develop a special app for us just for the secure files. We are already working on a Major Spoilers app, and are getting an incredible rate there, so we really don't need Libsyn's service right now. Additionally, Libsyn's member feature requires that I manually add and remove members from the service. As we gain more members, that would necessitate hiring one person just to manage VIP members every day of the week, and as you know we aren't quite there (yet).

Unfortunately, Libsyn and S2 Member don't work with each other when creating the secure feed. It's so frustrating that there is literally an afternoon of coding on both sides of the fence that would make this work, and yet each have said they didn't know there was a demand for the two to reach a solution. I find this really interesting as a quick search on the Internet reveals forums on both sides where users are trying to get this to work.

I've asked both Libsyn and S2 Member to contact one another and figure out a way to make this work, because I know there are a number of sites and podcasters that are stuck in the same position Major Spoilers is when trying to keep costs low, while serving up quality content for our very important people (that's you).


What will work is to host all of our VIP podcasts on our local server, which does allow me to create the secure file structure that will work for a podcast feed. This will be the direction we go, but we do run the risk over going over our monthly bandwidth limit with Rackspace. As more VIPs sign up (which we know will happen) and with more people accessing the VIP Podcast Feed on a regular basis, we could easily find ourselves on the bad side of a hefty overage bill at the end of the month.

So, now you know the reason why the secure Flashback Podcast feed didn't happen during Season One, and what we plan on doing for Season Two, but if we hit a bandwidth limit that is too costly for us, we may have to go back to the old way of serving the files to you.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns, just ask!

Thanks again for your support, I really appreciate your dedication to making us work to create new content for you!

Stephen Schleicher
Executive Producer
Major Spoilers Entertainment, LLC

6 Replies to “Creating a secure podcast feed for VIPs”

  1. Thanks for going over this and explaining the hurdles. I wish more places would explain stuff like this and trust their fans to be able to understand things. With any luck they’ll work things out and you’ll be able to take advantage of it and not risk the overage costs.

  2. Just a quick aside, I don’t mind at all to download the files! A feed would be good but being a member is more to support the cause in my case. Even if I love the goodies and extra it provides; but I’m ok coming here to pick em up when needed! Thanks for your efforts Stephen!

    1. Ditto. I’m just fine with coming here to get my bonuses, I just want to know when something new is here to get, since there is a variety of areas that you occasionally add content.

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