I purchased a cutter a few months ago, and have been having a blast creating all sorts of things. I received a supply of high quality vinyl last week, and have been cutting out these cool Major Spoilers vinyl stickers for your computer/laptop/window on your car.
If you are Gold VIP Member, and want one of these, simply send a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope to Major Spoilers and I'll get one out to you.
This is for Gold VIP Members Only!
Major Spoilers
Attn: Vinyl Sticker
1309 West 44th Street
Hays, KS 67601
if you add the .com a little smaller print on the bottom, also in the yellow lettering, you not only have a cook sticker… but free advertizing as well.
Will you be able to mail these to the UK? If so, do you know what postage I would need to put on the SASE?
They are very light, so I wouldn’t expect the charge to be more than a normal letter.